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The Little Girl Who Stood Up for a Mountain
"Faith, they say, can move mountains, but sometimes it takes hard work and dedication to help ensure that they don't go anywhere. In 1915, the town of Orogrande, New Mexico, was once a thriving gold rush community, home to several mining operations -- though the hum of heavy machinery in the nearby mines have since been silenced, replaced by the chatter of wildlife. Recently, however, ten-year-old... posted on Mar 02 2013, 8,177 reads


The Kindness of Beasts
"When I became a father for the first time, at the ripe old age of 44, various historical contingencies saw to it that my nascent son would be sharing his home with two senescent canines. There was Nina, an endearing though occasionally ferocious German shepherd/Malamute cross. And there was Tess, a wolf-dog mix who, though gentle, had some rather highly developed predatory instincts. So, I was a ... posted on Mar 01 2013, 9,621 reads


The Kindness of Beasts
"When I became a father for the first time, at the ripe old age of 44, various historical contingencies saw to it that my nascent son would be sharing his home with two senescent canines. There was Nina, an endearing though occasionally ferocious German shepherd/Malamute cross. And there was Tess, a wolf-dog mix who, though gentle, had some rather highly developed predatory instincts. So, I was a ... posted on Feb 28 2013, 1,374 reads


From Soap to Cities: Designs Inspired by Nature
"Imagine this assignment, says Bill McDonough in a recent TED talk: Design something that makes oxygen, sequesters carbon, converts nitrogen into ammonia, distills water, stores solar energy as fuel, builds complex sugars, creates microclimates, changes color with the seasons, and self-replicates. Sound impossible?Well, nature's already completed this one. It's called a plant. And the fact that it... posted on Feb 27 2013, 12,304 reads


A Pep Talk From Kid President To You
The effervescent "Kid President" (AKA Robbie Novak) serves-up a half-time pep talk guaranteed to light your fire. He chides us for being boring and encourages us to "take the path that leads to awesome." We have work to do, he says, "and we can cry about it or we can dance about it... It is everybody's duty to give the world a reason to dance."... posted on Feb 26 2013, 4,514 reads


What Grown Ups Can Learn From Kids' Books
"My copy of Le Petit Prince looks like it has been through a natural disaster. Or two. The dust jacket is torn at every edge. What's not torn is frayed. A piece of scotch tape holds together the e and r of Exupery. The white background can't really be called white anymore. And inside, little pencil markings lurk throughout the text ...The book, in other words, has been well loved. That's not surpr... posted on Feb 25 2013, 6,267 reads


Airlines Offers Free Ride to Tardy Butterfly
Each year "thousands of Monarch butterflies begin to emerge from their cocoons and gather en masse in South Texas, storing up energy for their seasonal migration into central Mexico. In late September, butterfly enthusiast Maraleen Manos-Jones discovered a Monarch caterpillar forming a cocoon in her backyard in New York state. Knowing full well that the fragile insect, once emerged, would not surv... posted on Feb 24 2013, 8,367 reads


A Family Living (And Thriving) Without Money
"A Berlin family of three has been living on practically nothing but love and the goodwill of others for more than two years and counting --not as a victims of the rough economy, but as activists who are on a money strike to protest what they call our "excess-consumption society.""... posted on Feb 23 2013, 17,982 reads


James Doty on Magic, Compassion and the Brain
James Doty is no stranger to struggle. He served as a caregiver in a family whose mother was an invalid and father suffered from alcoholism. They were on public assistance all that time. As he said, "At that age you feel like a leaf being blown by an ill wind." ...At age 13 he wandered into a magic store and had a serendipitous conversation with the mother of the owner who was there. She took ... posted on Feb 22 2013, 21,244 reads


The Science of Storytelling
"For over 27,000 years, since the first cave paintings were discovered, telling stories has been one of our most fundamental communication methods. Recently a good friend of mine gave me an introduction to the power of storytelling, and I wanted to learn more. Here is the science around storytelling and how we can use it to make better decisions every day." This intriguing article shares more.... posted on Feb 21 2013, 53,800 reads


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